You are currently viewing March 19, 2019
Sunrise over Coimbatore

March 19, 2019

We actually split our time between Coimbatore and Chennai. Currently, we are in Chennai – assisting another 7 families who will attend Taiwan and Manila in the next 3 months. We will return to Coimbatore tomorrow, where another 10 – 15 families are also preparing. It is wonderful to watch these families and missionaries prepare for the Temple – then come back to Chennai very committed to the Church and to the Savior. Elder Homer (Asia Area Presidency) was here last Tuesday and instructed the District and Branch Presidents. Chennai District needs to grow by another 500 Saints in order to be considered to be a Stake. That is probably 2 years away – but – nothing is too hard for the Lord. We have seen many miracles since coming here last September. Many of the Saints here earn modest incomes. It is a huge sacrifice for them to save enough money to attend the Temple. The Temple Patron Fund pays for their airfare to the Temple. Members contribute funds to stay in the patron housing and for their meals.

Winter is the rainy season here, but the rain did not come. People here are expecting a drought this summer. Spring actually starts in 2 days, however, summer in Chennai begins in March (heat-wise) and goes through early June. Temps can get into the low to mid-100s – coupled with 60 – 80% humidity – we are in for a very hot, muggy season. Rains are supposed to return in June/July here. We treat it as we do in Phoenix – go out in early morning or late afternoon/evening. Stay out of it during the middle of the day. Our current Mission President is also from Tempe – when he arrived here in 2016, he found that the missionaries did not proselyte during these months. He put an immediate stop that practice. He told the missionaries (paraphrasing) – “I am from a hotter place than this and our missionaries are out in it every day. If they can do it, so can you.”

We are very pleased to see that the West (USA) was buried in snow this winter – the reservoirs are no doubt filling in AZ. Water is running in the Salt through Mesa, Tempe and Phoenix, which means that the upstream lakes will fill this spring. Lake Mead and Lake Powell will begin to refill. Two more winters like this and those two lakes will be back at capacity.

President Nelson will be skiing well into April.

We understand that the global warming pundits were predicting dire drought consequences for CA (back in 2017). Where are they now? We taught English for 3 months – people here in India shake their heads in disbelief when they hear our so called American experts predict the end of civilization due to global warming.

We walked through nearby Anna University – a venerable old school that has been around since the Brits ruled here.  It was established in the early 20th Century and emphasizes the Engineering Sciences.


Coimbatore Apartment
Speckled Deer at Anna University
Monkey business at Anna University
Hindu celebration near Sister Charmila apt in Nandanam
Bicyclist near Little Mount Chapel