You are currently viewing February 2, 2019
Anna Nagar Tower in Chennai

February 2, 2019

Here are some miscellaneous photos taken during the 2nd half of January.

There is a family of monkeys living in our colony (neighborhood).  We see them moving about between a large boojam tree and the local Hindu Temple – Sri Varasiddhi Vanayaker – about 200 meters to the south.  The tree provides plenty of cover, so that is their probably abode.  They definitely like to monkey around….

Shortly after the new year, we visited Albert Samuel, father of one of our Adyar Branch members. He regaled us with tunes on his mouth organ (harmonica). He played Joy to the World, among other delightful tunes.

The VRC Mall in Chennai has some traditional statuary along with modern western style stores and fast food joints.  Here is a picture of the Nandi (Nandin) statue, who is the gatekeeper of Shiva’s palace.  Shiva is a principle deity in the Hindu pantheon and Nandi is his “ride”.  Nandi legends tell of great battles that he was won on behalf of his master.  Here he is depicted with all of his finery – it is said that he “glows like a 1,000 suns”.  (Ancient History Encyclopedia) His statue is seen in some of the ancient Hindu sites, as at the Shore Temples at Mahabalipuram.

Mall is a short ride from Anna Nagar Tower (135 ft high, Featured Image here), which is located close to our Anna Nagar and Mogapair Branch building.

January 26 marks the celebration of Republic Day in India.  Members of the Little Mount Branches celebrated with dances, skits and plenty of food.  Sister Gibson received a Mahinde – hand painting made from henna (dye).  It washes out after 2 weeks.

Mother Daughter Dance
Speckled Deer Near Anna Univ
Sister Gibsons Mahinde


Albert Samuel Plays Joy to the World on Mouth Organ
Monkey in Boojam Tree in SriNagar
Monkey at Boojam Tree SriNagar
Nandi Statue at VRC Mall Chennai
Shore Temple at Mahab
Nandi Statue Plaque